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Corporate Sponsors

Red & Blue Memorial Day instagram Post (1).png

A 3'x5' American flag is flown on a 10 ft. tall flagpole and will be displayed from Memorial Day through July 4.

Sponsors receive the benefits listed below. 

The Platinum Sponsor receives recognition on social media and a banner display of your corporate signage on the grounds during the event. In addition to receiving six flags to commemorate your heroes, Presenting Sponsors are invited to speak  at Flags for our Heroes events. 

Gold Sponsors receive recognition on social media and a banner display of your corporate signage on the grounds during the event. In addition to receiving six flags to commemorate your heroes, Event Sponsors will be recognized at Flags for our Heroes events.

Silver Sponsors will receive a lawn sign display of your corporate signage on the grounds during the event. In additional to flying two flags commemorating your heroes, your organization with be recognized on social media.

It was an honor for me to participate as a sponsor at the event. I honored my father for his service and his inspiration to me.

Rod Frankel, Frankel Staffing Partners

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